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Areas of Performance

Advanced Framework for Simulation, Integration and

Modeling (AFSIM) AFSIM and air force

MDS' experience spans such disciplines as the physical sciences, operations research, engineering and logistical control. Major programs supported include: Army WIN-T tactical communications systems, Navy NRL Atmospheric/Sensors R&D, the Air Force SBIRS; AFRL/Kirtland directed energy  Field/Air/Space experimentation for AF and related Joint Capabilities; Air Force Ground Based Strategic Deterrent (GBSD) ICBM missile development; and, AFRL/Dayton, Power and Control Division of the Aerospace Directorate M&S efforts.  As presented in our project summaries the work has been performed in support of Air Force and Joint parties and has involved both the development of individual components of supportive systems as well as the integration of sub-systems and SoS elements to ensure economical and holistic solutions.
Additional programs MDS personnel have supported include:

Skynet 5 Satellite, UK Ministry of Defense (MoD): Act as design authority for the next generation of MoD satellites,replacing  the
   existing Skynet 4 Stage 2 system (Skynet 5 satellite is based on the Eurostar E3000 bus design,
weighs 4700 kilograms; exhibits
   phased-array receiver design to allow signal jamming; resist attempts to disrupt via
high-powered lasers.)


ICBM Launch Control, Hanscom AFB: Design and development of Joint missile launch control systems – focus on Nuclear Surety 
  and Fire control)

DHS, SBI-Net: Support to Tier 1 Integrator on SBI-Net; feasibility studies and development of acceptable architecture
  of command and control systems incorporating research on vibration, video, electro optical, motion, UAV (Drones)
  and related sensor technology and integration scenarios.



• Modeling & Simulation/Wargaming

• ISR/Sensor (RF/IR/EO-IR, Multi-Spec.) R&D


• M&S of Space Vehicle/Sensor Payload

• Air and Missile Ground Cyber Defense

• Missile/Ground Systems Engineering

• Agile Cyber Capabilities OR/M&S

• AF Mission Planning Software

• Air Platform (U-2/RQ4, AOC) Management

• Directed Energy R&D/Engineering/M&S

• Nuclear Surety, NC3, Launch Safety

• Ops Research: Force/Fuels Optimization

• Survivability/Lethality Research/M&S

• UAV/SUAS Autonomous Systems R&D

Core Areas of Capability

MDS supports DoD across a wide spectrum of missions and related technological applications. This work includes Directed Energy (Laser) engineering/ planning, EO-IR sensor modeling, and ICBM/GBSD launch systems architecture design analysis.

AFSIM and simulation

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